The best content at every moment
VodafoneZiggo offers high-quality content from producers all over the world. Our customers can choose from dozens of TV stations and a wide variety of films and series.
Endless binge-watching with Ziggo Movies & Series
VodafoneZiggo customers can choose between several Movies & Series packages, with hundreds of films and entire seasons of top series. Anyone opting for Movies & Series XL gets an additional fifty channels. Besides films from the great film studios, arthouse productions and many quality series, our customers can also binge-watch modern HBO classics, like Game of Thrones and Westworld, as well as the best new American series, as we are the only Dutch provider to partner with producer HBO.

Top 3 films 2018
Ziggo Sport, home to the sports fan
Ziggo Sport is our most valued TV service and one of the main reasons why customers opt for VodafoneZiggo. Every Ziggo customer has free access to Ziggo Sport, with programmes for the ardent sports fan. We offer exclusive live coverage of races and matches in the Formula 1, golf, tennis, NBA basketball, a variety of Dutch amateur sports and soccer from the main European leagues. In 2018, we renewed the most important broadcasting rights for the next few years, like the English Premier League and European and World Championships volleyball, handball and field hockey.